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  • Peace of mind for your next
    big adventure!

    Welcome to the ultimate destination for peace of mind in your adventurous pursuits. At Campbell Irvine Direct, we're the experts in activity-based travel insurance, ensuring your every adventure is covered, from thrilling hikes to daring water sports. Our comprehensive policies provide you with the confidence to explore the world with security and excitement. Join us in safeguarding your next journey and let us be your trusted companion on the path less traveled. Your adventures await; we've got you covered!


pandemic/endemic cover included on all policies

Proud providers of quality services to the travel and insurance industries

since 1972

Why Do Travellers Choose Campbell Irvine Direct?

Travel insurance is crucial for an activity-based holiday because it provides financial protection in case of unexpected events such as accidents, injuries, or trip cancellations. It covers medical expenses, emergency evacuations, and gear replacement, ensuring you can enjoy your adventure with peace of mind. Additionally, it safeguards against trip interruptions, delays, or lost luggage.

Without insurance, you could face substantial out-of-pocket costs and inconvenience. In essence, travel insurance is a safety net that allows you to fully engage in your active pursuits while minimizing potential financial burdens.

For Great Value Travel Insurance, There is Only One Provider.

What Destinations and Activities Can You Cover?

At Campbell Irvine, we pride ourselves at being able to provide cover for almost any destination – even those with negative FCDO travel advice. This means that, no matter where you choose to go, our policies have got your back.

Our Campbell Irvine Direct policy can provide cover for even the most adventurous activities, including:

Paragliding, Hand gliding, Sand yachting, Kayaking, Motorcycling, Mountain Biking, Wind surfing, Scuba diving, Horse riding, AND MORE!

To make sure you’ve got the appropriate package for you, select the desired additions in the booking process, view our FAQs or get in touch with our team.

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